Instructors: John Fay, Edgar Virguez, Jun Shepard
Aug 30 2, 2019 -- GH 1104
►►Course survey link: ◄◄
Background: How has Falls Lake reservoir impacted streamflow?
Task: Evaluating annual stream flow changes over time
► Completed Excel file → LINK
► Video capture of Unit 1 → LINK
Python materials
R materials
► Video capture of Unit 2 → LINK
► Video capture of Unit 2, in R → LINK
Prep (do before meeting in class!): Setting Up Your Virtual Machine
Part 2: Basics of plotting in Python
Notebook: Visualization-in-Python
Notebook: Mapping-with-plotnine
R-markdown: USGSWaterPlots
Part 3: Visualization in action: Water Quality in Jordan Lake
Part 4: R/Shiny example
► Video capture of Unit 3 → LINK