Water Data Boot Camp: Spring 2018

Unit 1: Task 4
Exploring trends in streamflow over time


Water security is becoming increasingly important as population and water demand continue to grow. This is especially true with changing climate conditions that introduce new variability into our expectations of water supply. Briefly, we want to know whether the average annual streamflow has changed over time.

Set up

More Practice

If there are not annual trends, are there seasonal ones? What about February and August?

EXCEL Limitations

Excel is a wonderful tool; however, it also has several limitations.

  1. Very limited analytical pack. Indeed, many of the statistical methods used for water resources rely are non-parametric, meaning they do not assume linear relationships between x and y variables.

  2. It is time consuming to repeat analyses over multiple sites. What if we wanted to look at all downstream gauges from Falls Lake?

  3. It is difficult to replicate results in Excel. Sometimes data are copied and pasted as values rather than formulas. Sometimes errors are hand corrected and not marked.

Statistical programs and coding are valuable tools that readily address these three limitations in excel: (1) diverse statistical packages, (2) batch capable, and (3) reproducible.