Water Data Boot Camp: Unit 2


Here, we introduce the Python and R scripting environments in the context of analyzing the same water flow data we did in the Unit 1. In doing so, we touch on the following concepts:


3:00Welcome and Intro
3:10PYTHON Set up: Duke containers, Jupyter notebooks, Cloning data (NB-0)
3:25NB-1: Quick start
3:30NB-2a: "Python in 5 minutes"
3:45NB-2b: DataFrames in Pandas
3:55NB-3: Importing water flow data
4:10NB-4: Exploring and plotting water flow data
4:25NB-5: Flood frequency analysis
4:40Python Recap
5:00R - Set up: R-Studio overview, Install libraries, Get code
5:10Exploratory data analysis in R: LoadStreamflowDescription.R
5:30Trend analysis and Leaflet: MannKendall_Description.R