Unit 3: Part 3 - Water quality in Jordan Lake


In North Carolina, both Falls Lake and Jordan Lake have experienced high nutrient concentrations. A series of rules have been passed with the goal of reducing nutrient loads by setting annual loads on the amount of Nitrogen (and Phosphorus) that are allowed to enter the lake annually. We want to know how successful these rules have been at reducing Nitrogen loads into Jordan Lake. The rules set for Jordan Lake set two different targets based on the arm of the lake.

Jordan Lake

Finding data on nutrient levels and thresholds can be challenging. I found the following sources. You may find many more.

Obtaining the data

To answer this question, you need to find water quality information. The National Water Quality Monitoring Council has a Water Quality Portal (WQP) that uses Water Quality Exchange (WQX) standards to integrate publicly available water quality data from USGS NWIS, EPA STORET, and the USDS STEWARDS databases. Other data are included from state, federal, tribal, and local agencies. It's a great starting point for water quality data.

Water Quality Portal


Download the Data


Exploratory Data Analysis in R

Go to the TotalNitrogen.Rmd file to follow along with how we are going to clean the data and prepare it for visualization. Data exploration can also help us better understand the underlying data and the story we wish to tell with the data.

Data Cleaning

Some of the things you might want to do to clean the data include:

Data Exploration

Refer to the TotalNitrogen.Rmd for ways that we chose to explore the data. Feel free to create your own exploratory analysis.


Calculating Annual Load to Compare with Thresholds

Now let’s look at how the Haw River and New HopeRiver thresholds are doing. The water quality data reports Nitrogen as mg/l. Inorder to convert to an annual load (lbs/yr), we need to know the volume ofwater flowing through each site. Go to the NWIS Mapper to find which USGSgauges are closest to:

NWIS data

Figure: NWIS mapper USGS gauges near water quality monitoring sites. The red circle is the gauge of interest for the Haw River Branch. The blue circles are the gauges of interest for New Hope Creek.


For specific details, refer to TotalNitrogen.Rmd

Write files out in csv to be loaded into RShiny, Python, Javascript, or Tableau….


Visualize Data in Tableau

Now that you know a little about how Tableau works - create a story board for water quality data in the Jordan Lake. Be as creative as you'd like. Below is one possibility:

Nitrogen Flowing into Jordan Lake