Basics of Plotting in Python

In [1]:
#Import pandas and matplotlib
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
In [2]:
#Magic command to allow plots in Jupyter
%matplotlib inline

Load the data as a dataframe

In [3]:
#Read the data into a data frame
df = pd.read_csv('../data/State_Data_Formatted_All.csv')
State              object
Source             object
Type               object
Category           object
Withdrawal_MGD    float64
Population          int64
dtype: object

Explore the data

  • View the top few rows with head(). Alternatively, try sample(5) to view a random sample or tail() to view the last lines of data.
In [4]:
#View the first 5 rows
State Source Type Category Withdrawal_MGD Population
0 Alabama Surface Fresh Total 9470.0 4780000
1 Alaska Surface Fresh Total 391.0 710000
2 Arizona Surface Fresh Total 3540.0 6390000
3 Arkansas Surface Fresh Total 3540.0 2920000
4 California Surface Fresh Total 18800.0 37300000

It's important here to examine your data to see what values are categorical and which are continuous. Think about the various ways we can filter, group, and aggregate the data to provide meaningful summaries.

  • Extract a list of unique values for a given column with unique()
In [5]:
#List unique values in the Category field
array(['Fresh', 'Saline'], dtype=object)
  • Use the value_counts() to tabulate the number of records within each unique value
In [6]:
#Count the number of records in each category with the value_counts() function
Total             424
Aquaculture       318
Livestock         212
Mining            212
Public Supply     212
Industrial        212
Self Supplied     212
Thermoelectric    212
Irrigation        212
Name: Category, dtype: int64
  • Not very interesting as the data is regulalry sampled, but what if we filter the data to records with a Withdrawal above zero?
In [7]:
dfNonZero = df.query('Withdrawal_MGD > 0')
Total             298
Aquaculture       154
Thermoelectric    124
Mining            122
Public Supply     104
Irrigation        104
Livestock          98
Self Supplied      61
Industrial         57
Name: Category, dtype: int64
  • Tables are one thing, but plots can communicate more effectively. We can plot the data in the above table simply by adding .plot() at the end of the statement.
In [8]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0832a14f28>


Plot types

Ok, that first plot was somewhat easy, but not very pretty or all that informative. So let's now explore plotting! Let's dig deeper into how to modify the kind of plot (bar, pie, box, etc.) and how to tweak the aesthetics of the plot (color, title, labels, etc.).

  • As seen above, the default plot type is line plot. We can change from the default using the kind parameter. First, we'll show that indeed the line is the default. (Also note that adding a ; at the end of the statement suppresses the <matplotlib.axes... message.
In [9]:
#Plot the number of records in each category; default is line
  • Change the kind of plot to bar to change it to a bar plot
In [10]:
  • Try other types: barh, pie, box

NOTE That different plots have specific uses:

  • Line plots are good for tracking change over time; the x-axis is continuous.
  • Bar and horizontal bar plots can also track change over time, but here the x-axis (or y, if horizontal) is discrete, not continuous, so the time would be in blocks. These plots are also good for comparing values associated with various groups.
  • Pie charts do not show change (no x-axis!) but are good at showing parts of a whole.

There are many other types of plots and charts, of course, and each has a best case scenario. Check the literature for a more in-depth discussion on this. For example: see Stephanie Evergreen's Chart Chooser utilities for some ideas.

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In [12]:


  • Change the size of the plot with figsize=(). Supply a tuple of widght and height to change the size of your plot. Values are somewhat arbitrary, so play around. (Also note that I've changed the format of the command, putting parameters on separate lines to make it more readable...)
In [13]:


  • Colormaps apply a suite of colors to values in a plot. Below is an example of applying a colormap to our pie chart.
In [14]:
                                          colormap ='Pastel1',

There are 3 classes of colormap, each with its own use:

  • Sequential colormaps have a change of lightness over one color. They used for continuous, ordered values.
  • Diverging colormaps are used when the information being plotted deviates around a middle value. Here there are often two different colors being used.
  • Qualitative colormaps are for unordered, categorical data.

See this link for a nice discussion:

Matplotlib can do a lot more that what we've done here. However, it does get confusing, and you can see some examples in past notebooks.

More complex plots with Seaborn

Seaborn works in conjunction with matplotlib and was created to make matplotlib easier. Seaborn, as with Matplotlib, has methods for bar plots, histograms and pie charts. Let's take a look at an example of one of the methods, countplot.

In [15]:
#Importing seaborn
import seaborn as sns

Countplots in Seaborn

Countplot has very similar parameters to Matplotlib. The data parameter for countplot is where you provide the DataFrame or the source for the data. The hue is for the categorical variables. (Recall that a categorical variable is one that can only take a fixed number of values...)

Lets creat a countplot first to show to show the count of records by Type (Fresh vs Saline) and then by both Type and Source (Surface vs Ground).

In [16]:
#Show the count of values, grouped by Type
In [17]:
#Show the count of values, grouped by Type AND Source

Spatial visualizations (i.e. maps) with folium

The folium package is actually an interface for "Leaflet" a JavaScript API that allows us to plot markers on a map. In the exercise below, we'll first extract a set of NWIS sample points for a given state and then map the locations of these on a folium map.

Full documentation on the folium package is here:

  • First we'll pull a list of NWIS gage sites for NC from the NWIS server
In [18]:
#Get the list of site names for NC
theURL = ('' + \
          'state_cd=nc&' + \
          'group_key=NONE&' + \
          'format=sitefile_output&' + \
          'sitefile_output_format=rdb&' + \
          'column_name=site_no&' + \
          'column_name=station_nm&' + \
          'column_name=site_tp_cd&' + \
          'column_name=dec_lat_va&' + \
          'column_name=dec_long_va&' + \
          'column_name=drain_area_va&' + \

#Pull the data from the URL
dfNWIS = pd.read_csv(theURL,skiprows=29,sep='\t',names=colnames,index_col='site_no')

#Drop rows with null values

station_nm site_tp_cd lat lng agent datum d_area
2043410 NORTHWEST RIVER ABOVE MOUTH NEAR MOYOCK, NC ST 36.512222 -76.086667 S NAD83 196.00
2043415 TULL CREEK AT SR 1222 NEAR CURRITUCK, NC ST 36.496389 -76.084167 S NAD83 52.00
2043750 CROSS CANAL DITCH NR HOLLY GROVE NC ST-DCH 36.509875 -76.552450 U NAD83 23.40
2043760 FOLLY SWAMP NEAR SANBURY, NC ST 36.488486 -76.574672 S NAD83 3.42
2043828 PASQUOTANK RIVER NR SOUTH MILLS, NC ST 36.421821 -76.346885 U NAD83 208.00

We have site number, site names, location coordinates and a field of drainage areas. Let's plot these on a map using the location coordinates. The steps in this process are as follows

  • First, we'll compute the median lat and lng values to create a coordinate pair on which to center our map
In [19]:
#Determine the median lat/lng
medianLat = dfNWIS['lat'].median()
medianLng = dfNWIS['lng'].median()
print (medianLat,medianLng)
35.6860513 -79.10681890000001
  • Next, we'll create our folium map object, setting some initial properties: the location, the zoom level, and the base map, or "tiles". (The default tiles are set to OpenStreetMap, but Stamen Terrain, Stamen Toner, Mapbox Bright, and Mapbox Control Room, and many others tiles are built in.
In [20]:
#Import the package
import folium
In [21]:
#Construct the map
m = folium.Map(location=[medianLat,medianLng],
               zoom_start = 7,
#Display the map

Try playing with the parameters and see how the map appears.

  • Next, we'll add a single marker to our map. This is a two step process: first we create the marker, and then we add it to the map... We'll put our marker at the center of our map
In [22]:
#Create the marker, we'll use a circle Marker
myMarker = folium.CircleMarker(location=[medianLat,medianLng],

  • Now we'll get a bit more complex. Here we'll loop through all of our records and add each as a marker to our map. We'll re-create our map which removes all previous markers.
In [23]:
#Recreate the map object to clear markers
m = folium.Map(location=[medianLat,medianLng],
               zoom_start = 7,

#Loop through all features and add them to the map as markers
for row in dfNWIS.itertuples():
    #Get info for the record
    lat =
    lng = row.lng
    #Create the marker object, adding them to the map object
#Show the map
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